Exploring Figma’s Variants: Unlocking Design Superpowers

andi pernanndi
4 min readJul 31, 2023


In the ever-evolving world of design tools, Figma has emerged as a frontrunner, offering a feature-rich environment for creating stunning digital interfaces and experiences. Among its many capabilities, the introduction of “Variants” has taken design workflows to a whole new level. In this article, we’ll delve into the significance of Variants in Figma and explore three essential properties that make it a must-have for designers — Boolean Property, Text Property, and Instance Swap Property.

The Importance of Variants in Figma

Designing digital products often involves creating multiple variations of a particular component, such as different button states (e.g., normal, hover, active) or various card designs within the same UI system. Historically, designers have relied on symbols and overrides to achieve these variations. While effective, this approach could become cumbersome and time-consuming, especially when dealing with complex design systems.

You can Define each states in to Default, Hover or Pressed then you categorized it’s type in to a primary, secondary or tertiary Button.

Enter “Variants” in Figma — a powerful feature that enables designers to create multiple component states, variations, or themes within a single component. Think of it as a supercharged version of symbols, tailored for adaptability and efficiency. By embracing Variants, designers can achieve greater consistency, flexibility, and scalability across their projects.

1. Boolean Property

The Boolean Property in Figma’s Variants allows designers to create dynamic components with switchable elements. In traditional design systems, handling complex interactions or toggle-based components required the creation of separate components for each state, leading to a bloated library. With Boolean Property, this problem is elegantly solved.

This is Boolean Property so You can swipe the Button On or Off

Imagine a toggle switch component that needs to be both on and off. Instead of designing two separate components, you can now create a single toggle component and define the switchable properties as Boolean. When using this component in a file, users can simply switch between the two states through the Boolean Property, streamlining the design process and reducing the clutter in the component library.

2. Text Property

In Figma, the Text Property of Variants allows for seamless text changes within components. This is particularly useful when dealing with components containing variable text content, such as buttons with different labels or cards with varying titles. Traditionally, designers had to create multiple component instances, each with its specific text. This made managing and updating text-heavy components a painstaking task.

You can set The Text Button from This section

With the Text Property feature, designers can set different text values for the same component and easily toggle between them. This not only simplifies the component library but also ensures consistency across designs. For instance, if you have a button component with different text options (e.g., “Sign Up,” “Learn More,” “Get Started”), you can now control the text directly within the Variants panel without creating separate instances.

3. Instance Swap Property

The Instance Swap Property is a game-changer when it comes to customizing components efficiently. In traditional design workflows, creating variations of a component meant duplicating and editing individual instances. This resulted in a cluttered asset list and made managing updates challenging.

Customizing the icon sets here just by swap the componenent inside the container

With Instance Swap Property, designers can swap one variant of a component with another seamlessly. This means you can have a single component representing different options, styles, or states, and then, with a simple selection in the Variants panel, switch between those variations on the canvas. For example, if you have an icon component with different icon options (e.g., “Home,” “Settings,” “Search”), you can swap between these icons with ease.


Figma’s introduction of Variants has revolutionized the way designers approach component-based design systems. The Boolean Property allows for switchable elements within a single component, simplifying complex interactions. The Text Property enables seamless text changes within components, reducing the need for multiple instances. Lastly, the Instance Swap Property streamlines customization, promoting a more organized and efficient design workflow.

Embracing Variants not only enhances productivity but also promotes consistency and scalability, making it an indispensable tool for designers and design teams. By harnessing the power of Variants, designers can unlock new design superpowers and create adaptable, interactive, and user-friendly digital experiences. Whether you’re a seasoned design professional or a budding enthusiast, Figma’s Variants will undoubtedly be a game-changer in your design arsenal.



andi pernanndi

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